Alice receives an unexpected message from her ex-boyfriend. When he decides to "resume the relationship," the anger, sadness and doubt break into the affluent life of the student. Misguided by Sara, her roommate, Alice leaves a dangerous game of taunts and provocations with tragic consequences ...
... when the next door neighbor, a disturbed and lonely man living with a mental disability, which in turn decides the time has come to plead with Sara to the attractive and hurtful young take the place of his former girlfriend, who died in a gruesome accident that is actually one of the dark secrets that weigh on the conscience of the Cow Head.
Caught in the nets of congenital insanity, Alicia is forced to exercise their knowledge of psychology and to overcome all kinds of fears and prejudices to fight for his life. But the story changes dramatically when he sees a familiar figure behind the translucent glass of the cage in which he finds the girl.
I saw your silhouette blends visceral horror, psychological horror, family drama and reflections on the human psyche and the importance of family in society in which live. Navy as a taut thriller where the characters become entangled with each other with dire consequences, in this disturbing novel themes appear as loneliness, Civil War, obsession, psychology, superficiality and the importance of family in all its rawness .
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