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new section. In this section I will compare two items that have some common ground. Mainly be on manganime and film, but do not rule out ever do a comparison on other topics.
In today's post come to compare two prequels of the Saint Seiya universe, the two works are not drawn by the operator Kurumada.
First we see that each question.
Episode G: The G comes from Golden, and precisely about it is this argumento.La history puts us a few years before he got the armor Seiya Pegasus, shortly after the Sagittarius Aiolos save the life of Athena and be killed and considered traitor to the shrine. We have the battle that had to fight the Golden Knights at the god Chronos and his henchmen, before the bronze knights had no role. Therefore, this story focuses on the Golden Knights, and the protagonist is no longer a knight of bronze, but Aioria Leo, younger brother of Aiolos.
Lost Canvas: another prequel, but this much earlier. The story in this case puts us about 200 years before the original story and focuses sacred in the previous battle against Hades. In this case the protagonist is still the knight of Pegasus Seiya but obviously not because neither this nor his grandfather had been born yet: D. In this case Tenma (Pegasus Knight) is a childhood friend of Aaron (reincarnation of Hades) and Shas (reincarnation of Athena) which are also brothers.
And now it has the comparative proper.
Here I will focus on 3 aspects. Argument
Lost Canvas: How argument gives us too much, it is a further twist to the saga Hades. Has many similarities with the Hades saga. Curious to see what happened in the last war and see the leadership that had Libra and Aries, sole survivors of this period in the original story. Yet it gives the feeling of reading the same story, as there are different points, and the story is interesting and entertaining.
Episode G: argument in this case if that is quite different from the original story, proposing something quite new. The evil of the day are not the same as in the original story, which gives interest to the story while it is true that have many similarities. How prequel idea seems pretty accurate. Drawing
Lost Canvas: Although quite different from the original, if that keeps her spirit, and yes it gives you the feeling of reading a manga of Saint Seiya universe. Without being spectacular is pretty good, and you can very easily follow the story. I like it, does not detract from the original and gives a fresh air.
Episode G: big mistake of this saga. It's a shame. In another drawing, it was probably a good manga but the picture makes it almost incomprehensible. There are times when you miss completely and you will not find out that is pasando.Hay pages that are 3 colors ... black, dark black and very dark black ... and clear, so it is impossible to follow the story. A part of the tones hiperoscuros incomprehensible does everything, which is the drawing style itself has nothing to do with the original. If it were not used armor, never identify you are reading a prequel to Saint Seiya. In short ... horrible in this regard.
Fidelity to the original story
Lost Canvas: Total . Precisely because of this may seem more of the same, but as you read the volumes you go deeper into the story and you realize that is a separate story.
Episode G: Well raised considering that is a prequel. Despite having another totally different story, keeps the original characters making it stay in the same context. The big problem is the picture that when you get to see is so different from the original that makes you doubt whether or not in the same context as the original. So
summarized. Argument
: Both positive to estilo.Pero despite being less original, I prefer Lost Canvas , it is more fun.
Loyalty: Lost Canvas also, in drawing how an argument is closer to the original universe.
For my ratings:
Lost Canvas: 8.75
EpisodioG: 6
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