Hello. Since arriving
new series I'd like to populate my estanteería, it is time to think about what to do with the old ones do not matter or are uncertain of interest.
I refer to these series start for some reason, but you do not know if it is worth completing them or abandon them.
In my case, I mean the following:

- Tsubasa the secret of the wings: Is the author just started, because I love Furuba and wanted something more than Takaya. But after reading me the first volume ... do not tell me anything. I do not know if it's worth saving me complete or € 40 (or s 35 € I can not remember the price of each volume.) In this case before deciding, I reread the volume again to see if she says enough to continue it or not.
- Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: This impulse I began. Because I saw in the store, I loved the cover and I mix Disney and manga ... we will see that. Having read my first I was not convinced enough to be continued ... but considering they are only 3 volumes, and are left read, this really is quite possible to complete.
- Sky High: The argument started because my attention, and was one of the movies he wanted to see Eastern (which ultimately did not I have done so), so I bought the first volume (which by the way I have for sale: D). But I did not like. So much so that this does not completely sure that even though they are only two volumes. I do not deserve to pay the 8.5 € it costs (or something).
- Dragon Fall: I wanted to see how it was. And the truth is it's okay. It's a great parody and drawing is very well done. If they were 3 or 4 volumes if the completed (if you even find that that is another matter), but being 11 volumes, I do not get to complete. But I am more tomes, do not rule me with one more, and may be gradually completed.
- The Legend of Son Goku: I wanted to have some of Tezuka. As a manga story: D. And this is 4 volumes (although expensive) and the argument also the curiosity itched to be a classic Chinese (also historical theme ...: D). But I read more than half volume (equivalent to a normal volume) and the truth is I do not say much. I find it a bit aburridillo. This completed only by virtue of being a classic ... but of course is 30 €, and I know I never reread and I have no curiosity to know how it ends. So I guess I'll leave this as I have.
- Vampire Hunter D: This started because the anime I liked, and the whole vampire theme I like a lot. But the manga is not just convinced me. The picture is very bleak. It is true that hits perfect for a vampire story, but is that even the common people, humans, have dark circles. There is a picture that is pleasant, and the argument is not to throw rockets. Anyway I do not dislike at all, and I also bought volume 2. Dolmen will not know if the intention to continue or stop here, for a looong time ago and brought the volume 2. Anyway, how are independent stories, does not break the story (each race is how an independent novel.) Therefore the I have two of me still, and if they bring more and do not know if I would buy them or not.
- Episode G: Third manga collection that I started (after Shadow Lady and Furuba). To me the universe created by Kurumada (Saint Seiya) I love it. And by then it was the latest in the world, so I had to be mine. Initially good, but I had to strain to understand what was happening because hiperoscuro drawing, but I thought ... be a matter of this volume, the scenes ... already improved. But since I bought 12 volumes and still exactly the same. At this point, I hate to leave it halfway, but do not know how else are you going to lavish. I hope it ends soon. For now, I'll stick with it even without my priorities. If within a period of time I see a very large stake like me, but I get angry because Saint Seiya and leave me a half series.
- Bleach: And this would be the worst of all let me know me. Firstly because I like it, and secondly because it's the most I have volumes (logical considering that is the longest). With this the problem is that I have much lag, and more and more (because I'm not buying). And the series is not passionate about me (okay, but I prefer others so I'll always delayed). Therefore I have considered whether to continue or not (it takes much on my shelf). But good at the moment, I'll do the same with Episode G, but without much follow priority. If within 3 years following new volumes coming out every 3 months, then I rethink it again.
And these are my series "problematic." The rest of the other I think that I have continued, and ended. So
will surely follow but for now: Bleach and almost certainly will complete
EpisodioG: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
may continue (if I can find) but non-completion: Fall Dragon
I'll give you another chance, to see if I continue or not: Tsubasa and the secret of the Wings
Most likely not continue: Vampire Hunter D, The Legend of Son Goku and Sky High
And to you I feel the same? Also you have series that you are not sure whether to continue or not, or definitely not continue you left? Greetings
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