Amazing Fact # 2: Kideok last week invited me to go to listen to the library Korean poetry. Once a month they celebrate the "lunch poems", an event that invites college with some renowned poets in the lyric stage today. This month turn 'Korean poetry. " Robert Hass ( already mentioned in this blog once ) made the presentation of 5 Korean poets (all women). After the reading ellas mismas, alguien traducia al ingles. Tal vez entendiera un 25%, pero ese poco me gusto.
Neither my father nor my brother
he's the man standing somewhere in between.
Someone who is closest, yet so remote.
When I'm suffering from insomnia
I'm inclined to ask for his advice -
oops! Anything but that!
So I silently turn away from him in bed.
Sometimes my enemy,
other times, the only man on earth
who holds my children so dear.
So I make dinner for him again, this man
've Dined with So Many Times,
this Man Who Taught me how to fight.
Moon Chung-Lee
was very emotional .. some are excited.
Amazing Fact # 3: SF theater last Saturday with my friend Manuel (from Xixon). Robert Oppenhemier work on his work in Los Alamos and its tribulations, after running the project that would lead to the atomic bomb .. 8 actors and 16 other people in the audience! Very nice and interesting .. was worth. I leave to complete a picture of a building that was next to the theater (look in the windows)

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