David Wellington, with his particular style, ending the history of lycanthropy that began with silver bullets, and once again proves to be one of the best contemporary writers of terror.
The days are getting colder. The nights long. And every time the moon rises, the wolf that dwells within is stronger.
Cheyenne Clark has become one of those beasts that so despises. Round the Arctic Circle in search of an ancient secret that could free her from the curse of lycanthropy and restore their humanity.
But between Chey and his goal stand a werewolf hunter who has discovered a diabolical weapon to kill them, a female wolf centuries-old with dark purposes ... Chey and feelings for the man who ruined his life and now could save.
However, the most difficult obstacle to overcome is that the wolf that lives within Chey body becomes stronger and stronger over time. Little is left to the woman disappears completely and only left the beast.
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