misperceptions of VV.AA.
Are you afraid of ghosts, reader? Or you may be like those suckers deciding to play the ouija to mock beings who may be watching us?
ghosts, spirits, ghosts, ghosts, apparitions, visions ... Anyway, whatever you call have been part of our culture since time immemorial. Who does not remember Becquer and the Monte de las Animas? Who has not read The Shining or seen The Sixth Sense?
With Errors of perception-the anthology you now hold in your hands we zoom back to these beings. We want you to notice a shudder gentle breeze at your back. We can not wait to hear that your hard off the light after reading the stories that make up this anthology. In it, you'll find ghosts seductive ancestral spirits, vengeful ghosts ultimately fail souls rest in peace .
We bring stories with black humor, with a touch of melancholy, mysterious ... but above all, frightening, that you realize that maybe, this world we know, is not the only .
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