Yesterday I had to go down to Valencia, and I used to make comprillas December.
So next year I do not believe you buy anything else ...
A part of the volume itself, I will discuss then the strangest thing was that I discovered 2 new stores.
The issue was that I bought at a shop I buy from time to time, but it is not my local store, and also went by a different route than usual ... and what was my surprise that by the way I met with stores that do not know: D. So from now when they encounter a take on my usual stores, I know two more sites in which to search.
And as for the volumes to buy ...
- Tegami Bachi 1: For in the end fell. Since I could not resist anymore and I did with it. I was hoping to have it as a Christmas present, but well I hope you drop any other in its place: D. Without doubt the most important purchase of this month.
- Erementar Gerad 17 and 18: And with this full series! For months I intend to finish it, but between one thing and another it was postponed. And finally it is the turn.
- Yuzu Bunko Club 2: I bought the first volume for 9 or 10 months (and I do not remember) and I liked it enough to continue (picantilla is a comedy, but it's no wonder it funny points. For when you feel like something light-hearted). This is very hard to find (from 4 shops they had only went to 1, in another only had the vol1 and the other did not have this number directly.)
- LovexMission 2: I bought recently and loved vol1. And the monkey had to continue with the adventures of these detectives: D, so far as I could I have done with the second volume. This does not take long to complete. I bought it yesterday and I started to read (in my not always happen XD).
And for this month and doing well: D.
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