I come to comment my latest purchases. Because it's strange ... fatal as it came, in comparison with what he had in mind.
thought to start a series, which I found the first volume, is that I was exhausted (I did not think it would sell as well ...). Also she would continue another series of which there was no volume (that already sounds more weird ... sounds like you did not sell and the store has not ordered more to the distributor). And the rest as it has been somewhat circumstantial.
In short, any resemblance to the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying it wore in the beginning is pure coincidence: D.
But instead of keep thinking about what was going to be, the better I'll tell you what has been: D.

- Kingdom Hearts vol2, and vol3: Full series, a bit forced by circumstances. To learn that Planetacomics had broken relations with Disney XD I got the paranoia. And I thought ... to see if now it is going to be discontinued for all series of Disney ... so before you leave me hanging series, as I have completed (it would be a chore after what it has cost me encouraging me to complete this series had discontinued me ... so I am cured in health: P).
- Bleach 15: This is another questioned whether I continue or not (although as I said from the beginning my idea was to continue at least for now) and I have it clear. The issue is that after many months of having it away gave me the other day puntazo to continue reading it ... and I became hooked. I do not know if I got to win, or that the volumes in which I now put more interesting ... but hooked one volume after another. So how and I was reading the last of which was (the 14) because I thought that Bleach one had to fall. But in the first shop that was on 15 just did not have it! On 14 and 16, yes, but not the 15 ... what I need to purchase and disastrous. Anyway, in the second store that I did have the 15, so I took it.
- Fall Dragon vol2: And another strange. Given that I got nothing of what he wanted, and I found this on the shelf, I'm going to catch it much earlier time. So that, in this series, picking up as I go in and find me, and if in the end it cool completely and if not, then bad luck.
And that's it. Shopping rare for me. In 4 volumes, 3 are in the Western sense XD.
If at the end of the month I have some pasta, I will make another attempt to see if I can get some of what he wanted today.
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